To use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sellĬopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software isįurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: In the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights Of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy The right files to give the illusion that all files are in the /editor/local/ When running locally (via jake local), the local node server knows where to find js filesįrom build/ all end up in the same directory. That is, the CSS and HTML files from www/ as well as the generated. When packaged, as the website or as an app, the directory structure is flat. www: the base files that make up the Touch Develop website (html and css).webapp: the stub file that is used to generate the HTML5 Web App when.tools: internal tools that are part of the build (pre-processing).storage: code for syncing your locally-stored scripts and the cloud storage,.shell: shell app used by Azure and node-webkit basically a way to serve.Runner.js is the runtime system and the stub is in webapp runner: the run-time system for generated Touch Develop apps that is, onceĪ Touch Develop script is packaged as an app (webapp, cordova app, etc.),.In-browser storage, cloud connection, promises, DOM utilities. rt: various run-time support libraries for the Touch Develop application:.node-webkit: configuration files for the node-webkit app creation.noderunner: runs in the cloud, and parses Touch Develop scripts / compiles.libwinRT: (deprecated) WinRT specific implementations.libnode: Node.JS specific implementations.libcordova: Apache Cordova specific implementations.lib: the libraries exposed to Touch Develop scripts, written in TypeScript.generated: files needed for the build that are re-generated manually once in.editor: the Touch Develop user interface that drives the website: hub, script.ast: contains the lexer, parser, type-checker and ast definitions for the.In order to build Touch Develop, ensure that you have Git and Node.js installed. help translate the user interface: do you use Touch Develop and speak a foreign language? You can help!.If you're not a developer but still would like to help, we've got more tasks for you! submit bugs and help us verify fixes as they are checked in.There are many ways to contribute to Touch Develop. It is currently used for the BBC micro:bit If you're interested) and was later converted to TypeScript. It was originally written in Touch Develop itself (see script tdlite The cloud backend for Touch Develop is available in The repo is mostly written in TypeScript with tiny pieces You can laterĭrag-and-drop that file into the web app (running locally or via the web site) to load This will create a JSON file that you can save. You can save a Touch Develop script from the web app by clicking the Save button on Intending to write Touch Develop scripts, you want to go to the web app at This repo contains the source code of the Touch Develop editor. Touch Develop is a touch-friendly, cross-platform, mobile-first app creation environment developed by Microsoft Research.